know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty
or give me death."
-Patrick Henry |
![]() |
Just before the second Continental
Excerpt of Sir, Patrick Henry...
"The battle, sir, is not to the
strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.
Besides, sir, we have no election.
If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from
the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains
are forged!
Their clanking may be heard
on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come!
I repeat it, sir, let it come.
"Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--
but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!
The next gale that sweeps from
the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!
Our brethren are already in
the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What
would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased
at the price of
chains and slavery? Forbid it,
Almighty God! I know not what course others may take;
but as for me, give me liberty
or give me death!"
1995-1999,Jawaid Bazyar
The American Revolution
The struggle by which the THIRTEEN COLONIES that were to become the United States won independence from Britain. By the middle of the 18th cent., differences in life, thought, and economic interests had formed between the colonies and the mother country. The British government, favoring a policy of MERCANTILISM, tried to regulate colonial commerce in the British interest, and provoked colonial opposition. The
STAMP ACT passed by Parliament in 1765 roused
In 1774
Britain responded with the coercive
erupted on Apr. 19, 1775, at LEXINGTON AND
Continental Congress appointed (1775)
surrender (Oct. 1781) of Gen. CORNWALLIS at the close of the
Speaking of the South... By the begining of the 1770's
Georgia was the least populated of
The early years of the American
Revolution were quiet in Georgia.
For a brief time the Georgia
assembly met under the authority of
In South Carolina General Benjamin
Lincoln put together a small
A brief
history of Georgia's Warwoman
When grading crews went out that fateful day in 1912 to work on the Elberton and Eastern Railroad, they could not know the effect they were about to have on Georgia History. These men were about to prove that a Georgian by the name of Nancy "Warwoman" Hart actually existed. Near a piece of property she once owned they uncovered the grave of six men from the late 1700's, probably British, and changed the way America viewed a woman whose exploits had grown to mythical proportions. The first story about Nancy Hart appeared in the Milledgeville Southern Recorder in 1825. "One day six Tories paid Nancy a call and demanded a meal. She soon spread before them smoking venison, hoe-cakes, and fresh honeycomb. Having stacked their arms, they seated themselves, and started to eat, when Nancy quick as a flash seized one of the guns, cocked it, and with a blazing oath declared she would blow out the brains of the first mortal that offered to rise or taste a mouthful! She sent one of her sons to inform the Whigs of her prisoners. Whether uncertain because of her cross-eyes which one she was aiming at, or transfixed by her ferocity, they remained quiet. The Whigs soon arrived and dealt with the Tories according to the rules of the times." Over the years many historians
began to debunk the stories of Nancy Hart.
Revolution in Georgia:Chronology
July 10, 1775 Habersham and Captain Bowen accomplished the first seizure of a British ship at sea. They take Captain Maitland's armed schooner which is carrying powder. Georgia retains 9,000 pounds and sends 5,000 pounds to the Continental Army. March 2&3, 1776 Battle of the Rice Boats at Savannah. January 31, 1779 British take Augusta & Sunbury. February 14, 1779 Battle of Kettle Creek. Georgia's favorite military action. March 3, 1779 Battle of Brier Creek. September 16, 1779 General Lincoln and Admiral d'Estaing besiege Savannah. April 1781 Colonel Elijah Clarke & General Pickens began a siege of Augusta. Augusta falls on June 5, 1781, freeing upcountry Georgia of the British. January 1782 General "Mad" Anthony
Wayne arrives in Georgia & immediately
April 28, 1794, Admiral d'Estaing
guillotined by the Paris Mob.
Patrotic Sites
Happy Birthday America
Read the history behind the Fourth of July, view the Declaration of
Independence, enjoy an online fireworks display, find a recipe for "Mom’s
apple pie," and more.
American Revolutionary War
This site is a wonderful repository for those interested in the Revolutionary
War; the site shows a comprehensive list of links, as well as Revolutionary
War places to visit such as Valley Forge National Park.
Happy Fourth of July!
Take an online American history test (i.e. How did the Liberty Bell crack?),
read the history of and respect for the American flag, review fireworks
safety, and more. http://www.usacitylink.com/usa/
Daughters of the American Revolution
Read about the organization that was founded in 1890 and that has as its
objectives historic preservation, promotion of education, and patriotic
endeavors. http://www.dar.org/
Sons of the American Revolution
The purposes and objects of this corporation are declared to be patriotic,
historical, and educational, and shall include those intended or designed
perpetuate the memory of the men who, by their services or sacrifices
during the war of the American Revolution, achieved the independence of
the American people. http://www.sar.org/
Photos of six Revolutionary
War soldiers -- Lemuel Cook*,
Samuel Downing*, William Hitchings, Adam Link*, Alexander Milliner, and Daniel Waldo* -- were published in Popular Photography 1976:1:67-73 and used as the centerpiece for an article in Life magazine (May 31, 1948 at p. 88) by poet (and later Congressional Librarian) Archibald MacLeish, who told about his grandfather's visit and interview with the six in 1864. Parts of these interviews were included in the Life article. The photograph of a seventh soldier, John Herrington*, appears on p 52 of The SAR Magazine for Summer 1998. The 1999 edition of the SAR Patriot
Index on CDROM contains over
The Library of Congress
1774-89 Documents, American Memory Project, Library of Congress
Thomas Jefferson Papers: American Memory Project, Library of Congress
George Washington Papers: American Memory Project, Library of Congress
My important ancestors include ...
Search Terms: CULLARS
Database: Daughters
of the American Revolution Lineage Books (152 Vols.)
Combined Matches:
The National
Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 30
page 134
Kate Floyd Cullars (my great grandmother)
DAR ID Number:
Born in Chambers
County Alabama.
Wife of Walter
Descendant of
John Floyd and of Col. William Preston.
Daughter of
Ewell Floyd and Lida Tucker, his wife.
of Charles Floyd and Sarah Bennett, his wife.
of John Floyd and Frances Tinsley, his wife.
of John Floyd, Jr., and Letitia Preston, his wife.
of John Floyd and Jane Buchanan, his second wife; Gov. James Patton Preston
and Anne Taylor,
his wife.
of William Preston and Susanna Smith, his wife.
John Floyd, (1751-83),
was a surveyor and pioneer of Kentucky. He became conspicuous as a soldier
legislator and
lost his life by the hands of savages. He was born in Amherst Co., Va.;
died in Floyds Station,
Ky., where a
county is named after him.
Also Nos. 18354,
[p.134] William
Preston, (1730-83), served in the expedition against the Cherokees, 1780,
and received the
vote of thanks
of the Legislature of North Carolina for protecting the frontier. He commanded
a regiment at
the battle of
Guilford Court House where he received wounds that resulted in his death.
He was born in
Ireland; died
in Smithfield, Va.
Also Nos. 1858,
2063, 3021, 5078, 7788, 9897, 15493, 16149, 23279.
William Arnet b.ca1721-1735 fought under Frances Marion
Captain Peter Arnet b.1749 enlisted Chester, SC
David Arnet died 1779 Battle of Savannah
John Arnet b.1760 Certified Patriot by the DAR at gravesite
Captain John Floyd
to be affirmed,
Floyd, distinguished New York member of the
Congress, Signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Cullairs (Matthew Cullars) of Greene Co, Va. now West Va.
Pennsylvania service